Wednesday, June 24, 2015

6/24- Much better

Good Wednesday all-

Well after I experienced the biggest storm of my lifetime yesterday, today is going to be a beautiful day with bright sunshine and no precipitation. Temperatures will be in the low to mid 80s, but there will be very little humidity thanks to the brutal storms that moved through last night. In fact, all of the next week looks great, with the only chance of precip coming in the overnight tomorrow into Friday, but certainly nothing like we did yesterday. Also, I should ask drivers...if they avoid areas such as Wallingford, North Haven, and Durham, which were the hardest hit areas yesterday as crews continue the cleanup effort.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- Watch the video and think of your memories from yesterday rather than watch for development- it'll be a far more fruitful experience (no development anytime soon)

Today in weather history- June 24, 2010- A tornado...rated EF1 in intensity...strikes Bridgeport, causing minor damage. Despite this, it was a rather significant event in Connecticut, largely due to the dense population of the city.

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