Thursday, June 18, 2015

6/18- Nice, overall

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a very nice day as a whole with temperatures in the mid 80s and increasing cloudiness through the afternoon. There will be some rain today, but it'll hold off until quite late tonight and really shouldn't be a big deal. Tomorrow and Saturday look similar...except without the rain chances. Sunday, unfortunately, looks really bad as the remnants of Tropical Storm Bill find their way into Connecticut, causing a large rainstorm and washing out father's day. Next week looks like a typical summer week with temps in the 80s and scattered storms possible on most days.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- You'll get more joy out of watching your grass grow than watching the basins for any tropical development this week (there won't be any anytime soon)

Today in weather history- June 18, 1970- Oberlien, KS, picks up 7" of HAIL from a severe thunderstorm. That can be tough to deal with walking through, but at leas tit melts quickly in the summer months!

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