Friday, June 12, 2015

6/12- Storms again


Today is going to be a virtual repeat of yesterday in all but the fact that there really will be storms today. The front that we thought would cause them yesterday slipped further south than we thought, but another one is coming through from the west tonight (and tomorrow morning), which will likely cause several storms tonight...some of which could be rather nasty, and we're under a MARGINAL risk of severe weather today. The better day of the weekend is undoubtedly Sunday...while it's back to the storms for Monday and Tuesday.

In the Atlantic- There are only a few things certain in life. Good examples include: The sun will rise today. Tomorrow will be Saturday. There's an El Nino in the Pacific. Tropical development will not occur anytime soon.

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Carlos formed yesterday morning as expected, and now contains 60mph winds. The storm should stay just barely offshore of Acapulco, but it's close enough that they'll likely experience strong tropical storm conditions as Carlos will likely be a hurricane by then.

Today in weather history- June 12, 1983- Thistle, UT is completely destroyed by a mudslide after a heavy rainstorm in the area. Devastating slides like this are, fortunately, relatively rare in the US, and are much more common in the tropical countries like Mexico and Haiti, but they do happen, like in Oso, WA last year.

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