Monday, June 8, 2015

6/8- Rather wet

Good Monday all-

Unfortunately, today won't be the best as scattered showers are about to move in, and they'll be with us all day today and most of tomorrow as well. It won't be a total washout, but certainly raindrops will fly from time to time in the next few days. The middle of the week looks dry, mercifully, except for  a few showers/storms on Thursday. Saturday looks quite wet at the moment, but Sunday should be just fine as well. Temps will be in the 80s pretty consistently, ranging from 78-84 today and as high as 87-90 on Wednesday.

In the Atlantic- Watching the basin is worse than watching paint dry right now (no development is expected anytime soon)

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Blanca will make landfall today in the Baja California peninsula as a very weak storm that likely won't have much impact at all on the area...but Tropical Storm Carlos will likely form by this weekend and this one could be very interesting indeed for the west coast of Mexico

Today in weather history- June 8, 1966- A strong tornado manages to go right through downtown Topeka, killing 16 people and doing $100 million in damage, the worst tornado on record up to that point. There's a legend that tornadoes don't hit populated downtown areas...they do, but it's hard for them to do so simply because there are far more rural areas in the midwest than populated towns!

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