Monday, June 1, 2015

6/1- In the middle of a three day soaker

Good Monday all-

First things first- welcome to June, and the first day of meteorological summer, which comprises the months of June, July, and August. won't be feeling summery today or tomorrow as it's going to pour all day on both days...granted, it won't be raining all the time, but it probably will about 65% of the time, and it'll really come down at times. In fact, in a span of 4 hours yesterday...I picked up nearly five inches of rain. It likely will be less extreme, but still another 2-3" of rain are certainly possible in the remaining two days of wetness. Wednesday and Thursday look great with temps around 80...but then it pours again Friday and Saturday as a stalled cold front dumps us once again.

Also noteworthy-

Today, June 1, 2015...begins the Atlantic hurricane season...which runs until November 30. This year's list of names is Ana (which was used in mid-May), Bill, Claudette, Danny, Erika, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Joaquin, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, and Wanda. Most meteorologists do not believe it is going to be particularly active...but it only takes one...and you never know for sure. Be ready!

On that note...

In the Atlantic- For now, tropical development is not expected in the next 5 days. However...a low in the Caribbean is likely going to develop just beyond this timeframe, and will likely be mentioned in the outlook in the next day.

In the Pacific- Hurricane Andres unexpectedly rapidly intensified overnight and is now a category 4 with winds of 145 mph. It was originally believed to have peaked at 110mph on Saturday morning. Also, Tropical Depression 2-E has formed, and is likely to become major Hurricane Blanca by this weekend. The Pacific is awake!

Today in weather history- June 1, 1971- Mt Rainier, Washington, receives 8" of snow, their final snowfall of the winter...but it brings their total to 1,027" for the season, establishing the new record for seasonal US snowfall. Incredibly, though, it was very short lived, as the same area picked up more the following year.

Also, June 1, 1980- A main from Falmouth, ME, is struck by lightning...but it turns out to be a blessing, as it restores his eyesight after he was totally blind! Please don't try this at home!

                                            image credits:  ,

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