Thursday, June 4, 2015

6/4- Beautiful again

Good Thursday all-

Well, I'm going to keep this short and sweet today. It's going to be beautiful today (actually, it may as well be yesterday's weather again), so go out there and enjoy it. Really, I could just type yesterday's outlook here again, but I won't waste both of our times. :)

In the Atlantic- No development anytime soon

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Andres has died out...Hurricane Blanca is a category 3- though it was a category 4 at one point last night- as it basically just sits and spins...and development is possible off the Mexican coast early next week.

Today in weather history- June 4, 1825- A hurricane (ridiculously early in the season) does the classic Atlantic seaboard track, ultimately crushing New England, and causing severe damage from Charleston, SC north...and killing many in ships off the east coast.

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