Tuesday, June 23, 2015

That just happened.

Hey everyone-

Well, I'm certain everyone will hear about it on the news, but I was hit by either a microburst or a tornado on the Wallingford/North Haven line tonight at about 4:45 PM. I still have power (though I don't know how) but it was an absolutely surreal experience that I'll never forget. I have nearly been hit by a tornado twice before (once in Branford- we were driving under a rotating cell that we didn't know had a warning on it, and once in Missouri- one hit our hotel two days after we left). Was it a tornado? Maybe. What I will say is that branches and trees were flying everywhere and it was absolutely incredible to witness the power of nature. Earlier today, I said in my blog that today would be memorable for someone in New England, and it turned out to be me and the communities in my area. I send out my thoughts to those who do not have power or had their homes damaged by the devastating storms tonight. We've been told to remain in place tonight, which we will, all the while reflecting on the awesome power of mother nature. I never thought I would go through a tornado or microburst as you have to be in the exactly wrong place at the exactly wrong time. Regardless of what it was...it's been one incredible day.

May everyone that was hit by these storms stay safe tonight, and simply remember the day it was. Some of us will undoubtedly remember this day for years. I hope that nobody was injured, but it seems probable there were some, and I wish them a speedy recovery (if indeed there were).

I'll post whether this was a microburst or the first tornado to directly strike Wallingford since 1878. Personally, I think it was a tornado based on many eyewitness reports of a small funnel cloud in the region, and twisted trees.

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