Friday, June 10, 2016

6/10- Severe storms tomorrow, perfection today

Happy Friday everyone- we've made it!

The forecast from yesterday is going to hold- there really is no reason to change my thoughts. The only chance of rain in the next week comes tomorrow afternoon, where our area is under a SLIGHT risk of severe weather, the highest category that we usually get around here. This means that strong storms are likely, and everything that goes along with them, including hail, gusty winds, and tornadoes are within the realm of possibility. Just be glad it's coming on a Saturday! On a happier note, the rest of the week looks amazing, with 70s for the most part, with low 80s in a few areas likely.

Please note this will be my last post until Thursday June 16, because I will be in Hershey, Pennsylvania until then! :)

In the Atlantic & Pacific- Development is not expected until after my return.

Today in weather history- June 10, 1957- A truly bizarre event occurs as a chicken coop is lifted into the air by a dust devil in Yarmouth, Maine, is moved 25 feet, but is set down softly and right-side up, causing no damage and leaving the chickens unharmed. These type of weather events can do some really strange things!

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