Tuesday, June 7, 2016

6/7- Strong Storms Today

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be a pretty nice day, but unfortunately there is a risk of strong to severe thunderstorms tonight- in fact, for the first time this year, we have a SLIGHT RISK OF SEVERE WEATHER- the primary threats include strong winds and large hail. I cannot even say with confidence that there will not be tornadoes!! It certainly is a possibility- not huge, and they wouldn't be strong, but...it wouldn't shock me to see one. The key is whether the atmosphere is unstable enough, and recent trends have suggested that it probably will be. As for temperatures, we're looking at the mid-80s, but tomorrow and Thursday look truly special with highs in the high 60s and partly sunny skies, although some showers and storms will certainly be in the vicinity tomorrow. Not everyone will get wet, but small hail etc. is still possible. Thursday and Friday look dry, but the weekend looks very unlikely to be that way- thunderstorms are very likely on both days.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Colin has made its' final landfall in the Big Bend region yesterday with 50mph wind and spawned a tornado in Jacksonville...which in itself is rather noteworthy. It now lies just offshore of the Carolinas, and some strengthening is possible, but it doesn't really matter because it's going out to sea at this time.

In the Pacific- Tropical Depression One-E formed unexpectedly yesterday about 100 miles south of the Mexican coast, but the system is expected to die out today without ever having become a tropical storm...Agatha will likely have to wait a bit longer to be used.

Today in weather history- June 7, 1816- Remember how yesterday we discussed the "year without a summer"? Well...it really began on this day as Boston recorded highs in the 40s and flurries(!!!). Danville, VT gets a whopping two feet of the white stuff!

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