Wednesday, June 8, 2016

6/8- More Storms

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be much cooler, but we're again facing the risk of storms- in fact, they may be even more likely today than they were yesterday. Highs will struggle to even reach 70 degrees today, but that SEE TEXT risk of severe weather could dog any outdoor plans you have today, particularly between the hours of, say, 1 and 4. After that, we'll clear things out and see temperatures fall even further- it's mid 60s for tomorrow- before we finally warm things up somewhat for Friday. Unfortunately, much of the weekend looks rather moist at this time. Incredibly, seems very unlikely we will see the foreseeable future, which is a remarkable achievement indeed for the month of June!

In the Atlantic- Colin has died off the coast of the Carolinas, and there are no areas that are likely to become Danielle anytime soon.

In the Pacific- TD 1-E has made landfall in Mexico without ever having reached tropical storm statues, so we're still waiting on Agatha, and it'll be a fairly long one as development is unlikely anytime soon.

Today in weather history- June 8, 1953- The worst tornado for the state of Michigan strikes downtown Flint, killing 116 people. The storm was half a mile in width and destroyed 200 houses on one road, which in some cases wiped out entire families. This is what can happen without warning- or if a tornado strikes a major downtown area...and shows why we have to be vigilant at all times with these storms.

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