Thursday, June 2, 2016

6/2- Washout Moved Up To Sunday...Nice Saturday At Least

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be an absolutely gorgeous day- a true top 5 day in every sense of the word- partly sunny skies with temps in the 70s! It really does not get much better than that- and it will quite honestly be similar tomorrow as well but...there's a chance of showers and thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon. They won't be strong- just your run of the mill SEE TEXT risk, but they could dampen your day. Saturday looks like the warmest day of the next 7 but not by much- we're only talking low 80s with partly sunny skies. Our Monday washout has moved up a bit, and now lies primarily from about noon Sunday to noon Monday- my old school has a major event on Sunday that could be impacted greatly by this, so I hope they have backup plans ready! If they don't it won't be any event, much of next week looks dry, with partly sunny skies and upper 70s being the norm, which I would imagine is very close to average for early June.

In the Atlantic- Our extraordinarily active start shows no signs of slowing down, as Bonnie is trying to redevelop off the coast of North Carolina. Even if it does poses no threat to land as it scoots out to sea to our south. Another low is developing in the western Caribbean, and the Euro has jumped on board with the GFS of developing a tropical cyclone and sending it off towards Florida by about Tuesday as seen below
^ GFS showing Tropical Storm Colin hitting Florida on Tuesday. The Euro solution is similar.

 If this does occur, it would be historic- it would be the earliest 3rd named storm to ever form in the Atlantic basin, surpassing 2012, when Hurricane Chris formed on June 10.

In the Pacific- The same low we've been talking about for several days is nearing being officially declared a tropical cyclone- but we are missing a surface circulation. Once that occurs, we will say hello to Agatha...likely before the weekend. Fortunately, it poses no threat to land whatsoever

Today in weather history- June 2, 1985- In a bizarre lightning story, a bolt of lighting strikes a metal framed bed in a home with a married couple sleeping in it. The lightning kills the husband, but leaves the wife completely unharmed. This is surprisingly frequent- lightning remains what I believe to be the single most unpredictable kind of weather in existence in the world today, but it behaves in extremely fascinating ways, and this is no exception.

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