Monday, June 27, 2016

6/27- Getting a Bit Wet

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be fine, albeit a bit warm for many people's taste- it's looking like mid-80s for us during the afternoon. For the weather itself, sunny skies should prevail for the day. As for tomorrow, the weather will finally give us some much needed water- showers are likely pretty much all day. It won't be heavy, but it'll be on and off through the day. A few thunderstorms containing a fair bit of heavier precip is possible, but I think most of our Tuesday will be just sprinkles. The rest of the week has some question marks, as models disagree about whether Wednesday will be wet or not. At the moment, I'd guess it will be similar to tomorrow...but of course it's hard to really know without model agreement. Thursday looks fine, but more showers are possible Friday night, setting up a beautiful 4th of July weekend!

There is no development expected in either the Atlantic or Pacific basins at this time.

Today in weather history- June 27, 1957- Hurricane Audrey makes its' final landfall in Louisiana, killing 390 people and doing $150 million (1957USD) in damage. Audrey was a category 4 hurricane upon final landfall...making this by far the strongest June hurricane on record. That it made landfall at peak intensity surely worsened the it was attempting to become a cat 5 but ran out of time.

Also noteworthy- June 27, 1901- Tiller's Ferry, SC picks up a heavy shower! This typically happens in a strong thunderstorm that has produced a waterspout, as the fish will be lifted into the storm by the updrafts and then deposited on land this is not as unusual as you would think, but still...

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