Monday, August 15, 2016

8/15- Improvement at last!

Good Monday all-

It's finally over! The humidity has broken this morning and, while it will be won't feel anywhere near as bad as it has the last few days...thank goodness! In fact, after tomorrow...the rest of the week looks amazing! Another cold front will be passing through southern New England tomorrow, accompanied by thunderstorms, but other than that...the rest of the week will be partly sunny and feature temps in the mid-80s. The weekend does look a bit messy though, with showers and thunderstorms likely for both days, though temps should remain moderate as we start to really wind down the meteorological summer, which concludes at the end of this month.

A low near Cape Verde could develop slightly, but I do not believe it will be anything significant in the long run. No development is expected in the Pacific anytime in the near future.

Today in weather history- August 15, 1787- A tornado hits Wethersfield, CT, killing two people and damaging many other surrounding communities. This twister...estimated at EF4 part of a massive tornado outbreak in New England, which featured 3 tornadoes in Connecticut...and is likely the biggest single day tornado outbreak in our state's history, especially when intensity is taken into account.

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