Monday, August 29, 2016

8/29- Hyperactive Tropics to begin the School Year

Good Monday all-

And for many-

Image result for happy first day of school

Today is going to be just fine, with highs in the mid to upper 80s and partly sunny. Similar conditions can be expected tomorrow and Wednesday as well. The big change, however, comes Wednesday night when a cold front will move through- and this one is extremely strong and temperatures will be knocked into the low to mid-70s for Friday...and we never fully rebound with temperatures struggling to 80 beyond that. It seems this one may be the start of the autumn, which in the meteorological world begins this Thursday, 9/1.

The big story in the weather world today though is the hyperactive Atlantic basin. Personally, I define hyperactive as having three or more systems all at the same time, which is pretty rare in the Atlantic, but we have it now. Major Hurricane Gaston is up to 115mph, the first cat 3 of the Atlantic season, and both Tropical Depressions 8 and 9 have formed right near the coastline. Tropical Depression 8 was a total shock, as it formed suddenly off of the outer banks, which are now under Tropical Storm Watches this morning, and 99L...after over a week of waiting...has finally achieved Tropical Depression status near Key West and is expected to strengthen and hook east across the big bend as a mid range to strong tropical storm on Thursday. The interesting thing is the race for names- the winner between these two will be Hermine, and the loser will be Ian. Also, a low near the Cape Verdes is going to becoming Tropical Storm Julia in about a week, and this one really bears watching in the western Atlantic. This one could be a pretty decent size hurricane and be one of those rare Cape Verde storms that makes it completely across the ocean. Also, Major Hurricane Lester is spinning in the Pacific harmlessly for now, but it poses a threat to north Hawaii in about 5 days. A much more important threat to that state is Hurricane Madeline, a category 1 making a beeline for the Big Island...which should get hit on Wednesday. Thus, the US could experience 3 named systems on 3 days in a row- TD 8 tomorrow, Madeline Wednesday, and TD 9 Thursday!

Today in weather history- August 29, 2011- Hurricane Irene finally dies after tearing a path of devastation from the outer banks to Vermont, causing $16.5 billion in damage and killing some 61 people, including 10 people right here in Connecticut. We all have some powerful memories from that storm, and it is one that will live for generations to come!

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