Wednesday, August 17, 2016

8/17- Growing Warmer again

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be pretty cool compared to previous days (although that really isn't saying much) with highs in the mid 80s but...the humidity will not be nearly as bad as this weekend, so that is a relief! The thunderstorms promised for yesterday didn't really materialize- I was quite surprised but we should really be grateful because had they formed...we could have had very strong tornadoes with the setup yesterday- it was the best for a major outbreak in years- but we dodged the bullet. Fortunately, nothing like that is likely over the next several days...the only threats of thunderstorms seem to lie tomorrow (a slim chance), Sunday, and Monday (better chances). The latter two threats though...are too early to know much about so we shall have to wait and see what happens.

[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]
^ Tropical Depression Six is generally heading for Bermuda
Tropical Depression Six- and soon to be Tropical Storm Fiona- has formed in the far eastern Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands, and it is generally heading for Bermuda, though whether or not it gets there is very debatable as a dip in the jet stream could well grab the system before it has much of an impact whatsoever.

Additionally, development is possible in the Pacific later this week as a low moves west of the Baja- if it does, the next name on the Pacific's list is Kay.

Today in weather history- August 17, 1969- Hurricane Camille makes its' final historic landfall along the Mississippi coast. The strongest ever US landfall, Camille and its' 170mph sustained winds cause $1.2 billion (1969USD) in damage, kills 256 people, and devastates coastal communities on its' way to becoming one of the worst hurricanes to ever strike the United States.

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