Friday, August 26, 2016

8/26- Stormy

Happy Friday everyone!

Today is going to be awful in every sense of the word- precipitation is highly likely during the afternoon with thunderstorms. Some of these could be severe, although the SPC is only giving us a SEE TEXT wouldn't surprise me to see that get upgraded to a marginal risk, considering the conditions. Otherwise, the forecast is unchanged from yesterday for the weekend and the next 7- though Invest 99L suddenly needs to be watched a bit more closely based on the most recent trends as they suggest a jog up the east coast after the system crosses Florida.

Other than that, Gaston continues to pose no threat to land, and therefore is not of great concern. Of a bigger worry is that there will probably be a monster hurricane north of the Carribbean in about 10 days, but again that's so far out there...things will change! Also, Pacific Tropical Storm Lester poses no threat to land.

Today in weather history- August 26, 1883- Krakatoa Volcano in Indonesia erupts and plunges the world into a volcanic winter, causing bright sunsets and lowering the temperature of the planet by a full degree- not an easy feat! Also worth noting is that this killed 36,000 people, but it would be far, far greater a catastrophe if that occurred today

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