Tuesday, September 13, 2016

9/13- So Sorry...

Good Tuesday all-

There's not much to talk about so this will be short and sweet. First off, I give you my deepest apologies for not posting for so long. I was quite unwell last week, and I simply forgot yesterday. In any event though, it's not doomsday- we can expect highs in the 70s and 80s with partly sunny skies and, with the exception of maybe a shower or two tomorrow night...we have no threat of rain. The big story is that we will likely have some towns in the 30s on Friday night- just a sign of the times as we are now a mere week away from the autumnal equinox. Get ready for the cold!

Tropical Storm Ian formed in the central Atlantic yesterday but it poses no threat to land, and the same goes with Pacific Hurricane Orlene. No new development is likely in the near future

Today in weather history- September 13, 1922- El Aziza, Libya breaks the all-time world record high temperature, setting the mark at 136 degrees, which still stands to this day. To add insult to injury, this was during a massive duststorm...yikes!

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