Tuesday, September 27, 2016

9/27- Wet, Serious tropical issues?

Good Tuesday all-

Well, this week is not going to be pretty whatsoever as we have a number of issues to talk about. The rain from this morning will be ending as the cold front pushes through to our east, but the temperatures will not be greatly impacted. I think we can eek out a partly cloudy day this afternoon with highs in the low to mid 70s but...enjoy it, because we won't see 70 again until Sunday! Tomorrow looks to feature mostly cloudy conditions, and then Thursday and Friday and possibly beyond look absolutely miserable with highs in the low to mid 60s, completely overcast conditions, and periods of rain (which we desperately need- most of CT is in a severe drought). The timing of this system that will stall over us is very important to the future track of what will be Hurricane Matthew (and potentially Major Hurricane Matthew) as it moves north out of the Caribbean. Models are trying to bring this dangerously close to New England by the middle of next week. Naturally, it's way out there and things can and will change, but keep your eyes on it as the basic ingredients are in place.

Other than soon-to-be Matthew, the Atlantic is quiet. Tropical Depression 19-E formed just barely east of the east/central Pacific dividing mark, but has entered the central Pacific basin. However, because it formed in the East Pacific, I am relatively confident that once it gets a name it will be from the East Pacific names, the next of which is Seymour, but it doesn't really matter as it poses no threat to land. A Tropical Storm is located southeast of Hawaii at the moment, but it will not impact them.

Today in weather history- September 27, 1987- Mt. Washington has one of those days that makes you shake your head. The base of the mountain enjoys mostly sunny skies with temps in the 70s, while the peak receives 5" of snow, 100mph winds, and 13 degree temperatures. Talk about contrast!

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