Wednesday, September 28, 2016

9/28- Days and Days of Rain

Good Wednesday all-

Well, here we go...a cutoff low is moving from north to south out of the great lakes today and is going to basically sit and spin showers into our area from today until, I don't know- next Monday? OUCH. We do need the rain though and certainly will make up ground on that really nasty drought we have been going through since the beginning portion of the year. That said, it won't be raining all the time by any means- I don't think today will be that wet at all, but Friday should be rather moist, but otherwise I think we should just go with scattered showers and temperatures in the high 60s from now until about next Monday.

Beyond that, all eyes on the entire eastern seaboard will turn to what is developing into a dangerous situation in what will be Hurricane Matthew. Someone along the east coast is going to be staring down the barrel of a major hurricane next week as it moves north out of the Caribbean. Models suggest this could be close to New England about nine days from now. Obviously that's way out there and things will change, but it's worth keeping our eyes on as the days roll by and we head for the weekend.

Today in weather history- September 28, 1836- Hamilton, NY receives 4" of snow, and Ashby, MA pick up 2". This is unusually early, obviously, but it has certainly happened sooner in New England, especially in the mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont.

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