Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10/14- Warm til 'Thurs, but we pay then

Good Tuesday everyone!

Today and tomorrow are going to be absolutely fantastic! Temps both days will be in the low to mid 70s, with bright sunshine today but clouds on the increase tomorrow. Unfortunately, these two absolutely perfect days come with a price- horrible weather on Thursday, and I mean horrible. In fact, damaging winds and even some hail will accompany a powerful cold front, leading to a total washout during the day Thursday. Beyond that, the weekend looks fantastic, and it looks like we get to enjoy below-average temperatures in the 50s early next week.

My thoughts to those effected by the severe weather in the western Appalachians and Midwest yesterday.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Gonzalo has undergone rapid intensification and is now just 5 mph shy of being a major hurricane- it has 110mph winds...and it will almost certainly attain major hurricane status in the next advisory. This has the potential to be a major catastrophe for Bermuda, I'm afraid, and it may even directly hit the island. Keep your fingers crossed for them.

In the Pacific- A low near Mexico may become Tropical Storm Trudy later this week, but it is just too early to know where it would go at this time.

Today in weather history- October 14, 1930- An early season lake effect snowstorm dumps 48 inches of snow just south of Buffalo, NY.  Amounts of snow like this are not unusual for that region, but this early in the season, it certainly is unusual and worth mentioning in this section

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