Thursday, October 16, 2014

10/16- Yuck!

Good Thursday all-

Though I should say 'wet' Thursday all...because unfortunately it is going to pour all day!! In fact, some areas may pick up two to four inches of rain this afternoon if you are unlucky enough to be one of the wetter spots today. Fortunately, tomorrow and the weekend look good, if not chillier. By Sunday...yikes...some areas, dare I say it? may struggle to reach 50! In fact, a widespread frost is possible Sunday night/Monday morning. The only other thing to watch out for next week is a solid chance for some flurries midweek, which is really only noteworthy in that they'd be our first flakes of the year. Early indications of a nor'easter near or on Halloween are too far off to discuss at the current time.

In the Atlantic- Hurricane Gonzalo, the first storm to reach category 4 intensity in three years, has winds of 140 miles per hour, which is just 16 mph shy of category 5 intensity, but it should come up just a bit short of that. Unfortunately, it is heading straight for Bermuda, and it will likely be a massive disaster for them, so keep them in your thoughts tonight and tomorrow.

In the Pacific- First off here, Hawaii appears to have dodged a bullet with Ana...though they will likely still experience tropical storm conditions. Otherwise, there is still a strong (70% chance) of development with the system I discussed here yesterday.

Today in weather history- October 16, 1954- In a continuation of yesterday's mention, Hurricane Hazel reaches Canada with 110 mph win gusts in Toronto, 9 inches of rain, and kills a further 80 people, further debunking the myth that hurricane damage is an exclusive concern to the shoreline areas of the US.

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