Friday, October 24, 2014

10/24- Finally some improvement

Happy FRIDAY everyone- we made it!

Today is going to be (finally) a bit better than the last few days. Granted, it won't be perfect, especially during the morning hours, but the rain should be highly scattered and light in nature, a nice change from what we have recently experienced. In fact, the sun could appear this afternoon at times, so it's fantastic that we may see it for the first time since Monday. Furthermore, it appears there is no threat of rain until next Wednesday, and even that is rather marginal. We are getting into a nice pattern...thank goodness- we deserve it!

In the Atlantic- For all intents and purposes, no development anytime soon.

In the Pacific- See yesterday's post, but the odds of development have increased to 50/50

Today in weather history- October 24, 2002- For the first time in a century, a tornado hits Corpus Christi, Texas, damaging several homes and collapsing a wall at the Del Mar College. 

Have a great weekend!

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