Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/21- Here we go...

Good Tuesday all-

Unfortunately, today is the first in a long line of wet days. Today is going to be the least wet of these days though, so enjoy it? Either way, only scattered showers are likely today, whereas it's pretty much going to pour all day tomorrow and Thursday, and there will still be some showers around Friday morning. On all days, temperatures are going to be in the mid-50s, so it'll be an ice cold rain as well, adding to our misery. The bright side to this, however, is that the weekend looks absolutely fantastic with sunny skies and temps in the mid-60s. The early part of next week looks dry as well.

In the Atlantic- The low in the Gulf may become Tropical Storm Hanna (the 2008 version of which hit Connecticut directly as a tropical storm- if the name seems familiar that's probably why) and drift...southeast? Then some models have it drifting off the Southeast coast for several days, which is just..weird. This could be a very bizarre storm, so it'll be fun for me to track.

In the Pacific- No development anytime soon.

Today in weather history- October 21, 1638- In a truly bizarre event, a strong tornado hits...southwest England, and- in an amazing instance of the worst possible luck- strikes a church directly in the middle of service, leading to the death of 50 people.

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