Friday, October 3, 2014

10/3- Great today, not tomorrow

Good Friday all- we made it!

Today is going to be a great day to be outside, featuring bright sunshine and moderate temps in the high 60s. However, enjoy it while it lasts, because tomorrow afternoon looks pretty miserable with pouring rain and much colder temperatures. In fact, some areas in Litchfield county may freeze tomorrow night, so if you live up there I'd think about covering your plants. Otherwise, no real major weather events occur until next Tuesday/Wednesday, when there is a chance of another major rainstorm. On the other side of the spectrum...the GFS model was forecasting a storm that was very close to a snowstorm in 3 weeks. Don't panic- this will not happen, but it is just a bit interesting that the season has come, and we are starting to get very close to watching for flakes!

In the Atlantic- No development anytime soon.

In the Pacific- See yesterday, but the threat to the Baja is now very significant from Simon.

Today in weather history- October 3, 1841- What is now referred to as the "October Gale", but likely a large extratropical remnant low from a hurricane, passes over Nantucket and washes 40 boats ashore, killing 57. Meanwhile, the west side of the storm brings in enough cold air to bring a major snowstorm to southern New England, as Middletown, CT picks up 18 inches of snow!

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