Thursday, October 2, 2014

10/2- Enjoy today!

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be just fine today, as we should get rid of any rain early today, lending us mostly cloudy skies and moderate temps in the mid-60s for highs, which is really very typical for early October. Tomorrow also looks nice, with perhaps a bit more sunshine than today. Saturday morning actually is now looking alright, and now it appears as though Saturday evening is a bigger concern with the torrential rains. In fact, any further delay with the system could washout Sunday and leave Saturday dry. For the sake of most people, I hope this does not happen. As it is, I'll go with a decent Saturday morning with heavy rain in the late afternoon and overnight hours, ending around 9 AM on Sunday. I certainly will let you know if anything changes. Looking ahead to next week, some rain is likely on Tuesday and/or Wednesday, and temps look very typical for this time of year with lows in the 40s and highs in the 60s and low 70s.

In the Atlantic- Though the NHC is watching two lows NORTH of Bermuda, I do not believe that they will develop, so I'll say no development anytime soon.

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Simon has formed (unsurprisingly) and appears to be heading directly for the Baja Peninsula, exactly what they don't need now as they try to rebuild after Hurricane Odile.

Today in weather history- October 2, 1858- In a once in a few-centuries event, incredibly, a category one hurricane hits San Diego, giving them hurricane conditions with 75mph winds. We don't know much more than this, because it occurred before observations, but the storm surge was rather significant as well, and streets were washed away.

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