Thursday, October 9, 2014

10/9- Tropics finally awaken once more?

Good Thursday all-

First off, sorry for not updating yesterday, but I was sick as a dog, so I wasn't exactly focused on typing this blog. I am feeling much better today (thankfully), though. Today is going to be just fine, with temps very similar to what we have been experiencing lately in the high 60s/low 70s. Tomorrow itself looks good but Saturday...yikes. In fact, Saturday has the potential to be a total washout as pouring rain is going to effect us as yet another nor'easter moves up the coast. If nothing else, it shall be pouring, pouring, pouring Saturday morning, which should screw up everyone's outdoor plans. At this time, reschedule any outdoor Saturday morning plans.

In the Atlantic- For the first time in nearly a month...tropical development is possible. There is a low north of Hispanola that, as it moves north towards Bermuda, very well may become Tropical or Subtropical Storm Fay. Additionally, the GFS ensemble models keep showing a hurricane somewhere in two weeks. Where will that be? I have no clue, as they show everything from Texas to us to Bermuda. Waay too early to know anything, obviously, but worth watching nonetheless.

In the Pacific- See Tuesday's post..nothing has changed at all, except Simon has completely died out and is producing heavy rain in Arizona this morning.

Today in weather history- October 9, 1982- Portions of the Black Hills of South Dakota pick up 6...FEET of snow (that's 72 inches!). For comparison, that is roughly double what we picked up in Blizzard Charlotte back in 2013. Imagine what THAT would do to us in New's rather terrifying. It is not impossible though. The biggest snowstorm in New England history- the Great Blizzard of 1888- dumped 60" on Saratoga, one never knows. The drifts in that one were up to 50 feet. Just an incredible storm that will likely never be matched. The only storm that even comes close to that one is the 2013 blizzard mentioned earlier

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