Monday, October 6, 2014

10/6- Wet week ahead..

Good Monday all (If such a thing exists...)

Today is going to be a very nice day, but is the exception to the rule this week. The temperature today will be in the high 60s to near 70 with partly sunny skies. Tomorrow, rain develops in the afternoon and it likely is going to rain lightly but steadily overnight tomorrow night into Wednesday, with rain totaling between .25 and .5". Beyond that, Thursday looks alright, but rain is likely again Friday night into Saturday, not a pouring rain, but again a lightish but steady rainfall, which our plants will appreciate.

In the Atlantic- No development is likely anytime soon.

In the Pacific- Simon unexpectedly rapidly intensified into a Category 4 hurricane yesterday, but is now a tropical storm. The major concern is, however, that it is heading directly for the Baja and eventually the southewestern US, who just got dumped with rain from the remnants of Odile. Also, development is possible late week with a low near Guatemala at the moment.

Today in weather history- October 6, 1941- A double whammy in the US, as a strong tornado hits Kansas City, MO and kills 4 people and destroys 130 houses. Also, a category 3 hurricane directly hits Miami, killing 5 people and causing major property damage.

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