Tuesday, October 11, 2016

10/11- Cold

Good Tuesday all-

Well, it's exceptionally chilly out there, but my house in Naugatuck at 33 appears to be the cool spot, but still it's very nippy out there. I hope those plants were covered as frost has been widespread this morning. In fact, I'd suspect that you can get maybe another week out of your garden before we get to the point where the weather becomes simply unsustainable. Otherwise...we can expect no precipitation in the next week, with highs consistently in the mid to occasionally upper 60s. Let's hope we can get rain soon though- we desperately need it!

Tropical Storm Nicole is going to impact Bermuda as a hurricane in a couple of days, and the island is under a Tropical Storm Warning and a Hurricane Watch- the center of the storm could hit the island tomorrow as a category 1 hurricane. Otherwise, the basin is quiet for now, although models hint at a more active pattern in about a week.

The Pacific is quiet at this time, though two systems have some development risk without posing a threat to land in the near future.

Today in weather history- October 11- Well, nothing has really happened on this day...so just enjoy your day!

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