Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10/12- Clear and Cool Reigns

Good Wednesday all-

Wow, there really is nothing to say here. Seriously- temperatures will be in the mid-60s, with partly sunny skies today...tomorrow...and for the next five days. The only bumps in the road within the next week are some rain showers both Monday and Tuesday next week...and of course, both are iffy this far out. There really is not much rain in the forecast and we desperately need it- we are currently running over ten inches below average for the year so far.

Category 2 Hurricane Nicole is going to hit Bermuda tomorrow, and likely be a very, very severe storm for them- we need to keep them in our thoughts in the next few days. It could be a rare direct hit on the tiny island- with a serious storm surge as well. Yikes...

The Pacific is quiet at this time.

Today in weather history- October 12, 1962- The strongest storm on record for the region clobbers the Pacific northwest with hurricane force winds (gusts to well over 100mph!) and intense rainfall, Countless trees fall, and 48 people are killed by the storm with over $200 million (1962USD) in damage is recorded. Such a storm, although rare, is certainly not out of the realm of possibility for the region...and likely will happen once a century or so.

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