Wednesday, October 26, 2016

10/26- Very cold, snow tomorrow

Good Wednesday all-

I am going to have to keep this short and sweet as I am in a hurry this morning (I have an exam at 9!) but I do want to at least blog today as I ran out of time yesterday. Today we can expect highs in the upper 40s (ouch- that's very nippy for late October!). To add insult to injury, winds will be out of the northwest at 5-10mph and although that's not overly strong, that just makes it feel cooler! Additionally, tomorrow, a major storm system will be impacting us with heavy precipitation, especially overnight tomorrow into Friday. This won't be all snow (thankfully, or it would be over a foot) but we can certainly see a few flakes in western Connecticut tomorrow at the onset of the event. I think this is most likely to occur in Litchfield County, where I cannot even rule out one inch of accumulation. Hey, that works. Friday and Saturday look warmer, but precipitation moves into the forecast as another front moves through Saturday afternoon.

The Atlantic is quiet, and the Pacific has no storms that are threatening to land, despite a beautiful looking category 4 Hurricane Seymour.

Today in weather history- October 26, 1859- New York, NY picks up the earliest snowfall of note on record- 4" fall on the city. Of course, this is exceedingly impressive for them (it's tough for us to do that to but the 10/29 storm of 2011 is still in our minds) Seeing as the dates are only three days apart, the pattern was likely exceedingly similar.

Note that Middletown Public Schools are closed today due to a water main break...why couldn't this have ever happened to my school? Regardless, enjoy the day off!

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