Monday, October 31, 2016

10/31- A chilly Halloween, analyzing last week's snow event

Good Monday all-

Image result for happy halloween
Wow! If you can believe it, Halloween is here- it feels like just yesterday we were in January and yet here we are. Stay safe out there tonight trick-or-treaters!

Now on to the weather! Today is going to be excellent but cold. We will be a touch below average for today- highs will be in the low to mid 50s for most of CT (the average high is about 58). Additionally, it will be quite breezy- gusts up to 20mph are possible from the due North, making the chill even greater. There is good news though- we are going to steadily rise temperatures each day through Thursday, to the point where there will be highs in the upper 60s!! That is insanely warm- but enjoy it because a very cold front will move through Thursday evening or Friday morning, sending the temps plunging through the floor and returning them to significantly below average (in the 40s) by next weekend. Of the next seven nights, the only one that there is a freeze possible is tonight.

It is worth noting that after next week, there are very strong signs of a very active and snowy pattern developing throughout our region for the last two weeks of November and into December. If this does pan out, it would be the first time we've had a snowy start to the season in quite some time.

Last week's snow overpreformed significantly throughout our area, and BDL recorded 1.5" of snow, making this the third biggest snowstorm in October in recorded history at Hartford. Second place was within reach at 1.7" of snow...but of course the great Winter Storm Alfred on 10/29/11 remains the king of October snows, and likely will for all of our lifetimes.

Both the Atlantic and Pacific basins are quiet.

Today in weather history- Halloween, 1846- In a truly ironic coincidence, the now-infamous Donner Party becomes trapped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for an entire winter. Snow drifts up to forty feet are recorded, and the party ultimately resorted to cannibalizing their dead to survive. Talk about a creepy fact for a creepy day.

Image result for goodbye october
^^^I cannot believe it is already time to post this.

We vote 8 days from now!

There are 24 days to Thanksgiving

There are 55 days to Christmas

There are 62 days until January 1, 2017

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