Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10/19- Still Warm

Good Wednesday all-

Oh boy, more record breaking temperatures today! Highs will be in the lower 80s once again if you can believe it, which will feel unbelievable for this time of year- is it really October? This will be accompanied by decreasing cloudiness through the day today however...rain will become likely throughout the region tomorrow as a cold front moves through and then that low pressure I was talking about will arrive for Friday. We are still going to have to wait and see what is going to happen with its' interaction with soon to be Tropical or Subtropical Storm Otto spinning off the southeast coast. Either way...we will get at least showers Friday and the potential of something more if the interaction between the two systems is favorable- we really, really need the rain! By the weekend, we're looking at far colder weather, and unseasonably cool temperatures will be here for Saturday and Sunday.

Other than the system described above, both the Atlantic and Pacific basins are quiet.

Today in weather history- October 19, 1844- A tremendous storm pummels the lower Great Lakes with hurricane force wind sending water from the Great Lakes into Buffalo, drowning as many as 200 people in the area. An unusual event to be sure...

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