Thursday, October 6, 2016

10/6- Worst Possible Hurricane for Florida?

Good Thursday all-

Well, we have boring weather here for the next several days- my forecast is exactly the same as it was yesterday. Our thoughts go out to Florida today, and as many of us have relatives that live down there, here's a closer look

Hurricane Matthew is heading for South Florida, where it looks like one of the top 5 hurricanes to ever achieve US landfall is going to be striking tonight and tomorrow. Winds are forecasted to be 145, which is awfully near category 5 intensity. They can expect some extreme winds, surge, and we really, really have to keep them in our thoughts. This could well be the strongest hurricane to hit land since 1992's Hurricane Andrew.

Elsewhere, Nicole is nearly a hurricane, and should be watched as it begins to do what I like to call tropical meteorologists bane of existence- the Fujiwara effect, which causes two nearby hurricanes to spin around each other counter clockwise, potentially reintroducing south Florida to Matthew around Monday.

Unfortunately, from a meteorological standpoint, it's genuinely difficult to think of a worse scenario for the east coast of Florida. An extreme hurricane moving exactly parallel to the east coast of Florida has been my nightmare scenario for them for a while, as the surge will be extreme. Please contact your friends and family down there- they have never experienced anything like this one.

Today in weather history- October 6, 2016- Hurricane Matthew will begin its' approach to Florida, and this is a truly historic event, one that will live for a generation for Florida. Matthew will soon be held in the great annals of Florida hurricane history, right up there with Charley, Ivan, Andrew, etc.

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