Monday, October 3, 2016

10/3- SEVERE STORM WATCH- Stormy Today, Watching Mattew

Good Monday all-

Well, here we go- a very long week of tracking the weather is here as we have to watch Matthew very closely. For the last 24 hours, the trend has been for a lesser impact here in New England, but there are still plenty of models that are trying to bring the storm either very close to or into Connecticut over the weekend. We should have a better idea around Wednesday, but until then we'll be waiting and watching...

As for today, temperatures will be nice but that's about all- rain is likely today on and off as the cutoff low finally departs our region to the east. Beyond that, we're going to be partly cloudy with highs in the high 60s and low 70s for the rest of the week with no chance of precipitation until our close encounter of the Matthew kind later in the weekend (it looks like most impacts would be felt on Sunday if he pays us a visit).

All in all...keep an eye out today and enjoy the next several days...but have your hurricane plans ready. My general discussion from yesterday is still valid, but not the model runs- I would avoid looking at those- I'll have more updates through the week.

Other than Matthew, no Atlantic development is likely. Additionally, for the first time in a very very long time, the Pacific is completely quiet.

Today in weather history- October 3, 1841- Middletown, CT somehow manages to receive 18" of snow thanks to an extremely powerful hurricane or nor'easter moving off shore to the east...yes it is extremely, extremely tough to get so much stuff so early in the year's possible.

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