Monday, February 24, 2014

2/24/14- In which we finally seem to catch a break

Good Monday morning everyone (If such a thing even exists ;) )

That snowstorm discussed yesterday for going to miss us by about 30 miles SE it appears for now. I think there is still a 10% chance of more than that, but there will likely be no snow days this week at all. The problem day is Weds, where I am forecasting a nuisance snow event (1-3") during this time frame. It may cause delays but I am not at all sold on that and there is probably only about a 30-40% chance of that at the present time (my predictions will be updated throughout the day). In other news, big cold (temps will be negative by the end of the week) and a big snowstorm is possible for Saturday, but that is obviously too far out for specifics. Enjoy the day!

Today in weather history- February 24, 1969- A "100 hour" storm hits New England, dropping a rediculous amount of snow through the region. 26.3" fall at Logan Airport, their biggest snowstorm on record. Also, Pinkham Notch, NH picks up a ridiculous 77" of snow (over 6 FEET!)

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