Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Nasty surprise possible for interior CT

Good evening- I said earlier that if I saw any big trends in model data, I would let you know...and I hope that you like snow. There are some indications that the storm may stay mostly if not entirely snow for Connecticut...this would happen if the freezing line came when Connecticut experiences a lull in the action between 5 and 8 PM tomorrow night before another burst of heavy snow. Should this happen, my prediction of 8-16 is much too low. I am not sold on this, but do not rule out waking up to seeing the forecasters be eating crow with most areas waiting for two feet of snow instead of one with locally more due to banding. Again, not saying this will happen, but it is a possibility if models continue trending this way...I'll update once more tonight at 1030. Ordinarily, I would put school predictions here, but since nearly all schools in Central Connecticut have already closed for tomorrow. I will discuss Friday and, for the first time, I am confident that schools will have to close again on Friday- just too much cleanup and a longer lasting storm than originally anticipated. As I said earlier, this forecast was always super fragile, and it may have just broken.

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