Monday, March 3, 2014


Good morning and happy Monday!

Get ready for frigid temperatures! Wind Chill values could approach -10 tomorrow and therefore we may get an advisory, which I would post here should that occur. The trade-off for this, however, is we miss the snowstorm that is currently pounding the mid-Atlantic with several inches of snow this morning. Be grateful! The snowstorm days are likely winding down now- with no major storms in sight, one has to wonder if we have just dodged our last significant snowfall chance of the 2013-14 winter season. We "spring ahead" this weekend, so don't forget to send your clocks forward and enjoy losing one hour of sleep! Either way, get ready for these frigid temps moving forward. Nothing much to discuss here, so enjoy your week!

Chances of snow days this week: None

Today in weather history- March 3, 1966- An F5 tornado (the most powerful) destroys Jackson, Mississippi, killing 57 people and doing $18 million in damage (1966 USD)

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