Saturday, March 8, 2014

3/8- Wednesday's picture becoming a bit clearer

Good Saturday morning all!

Today is going to be by far the best day of the next 7 as the temps will be very mild (high 40s) and there is no chance of precip. Tomorrow, however, an arctic front brings flurries and much colder temperatures. Also, Monday a clipper system comes through, possibly dropping a quick coating to one inch of snow. I am, however, becoming increasingly concerned about Wednesday's storm. Granted, it is still too early to make any final call, though tomorrow afternoon I would probably be willing to put numbers out. The models, however, appear to be settling on a major snowstorm for Southern New England at the moment with up to (and in some cases over) one foot of snow. This is not my forecast yet, but it is something that is a distinct possibility! Also, today is daylight savings time- we "spring ahead" an hour. Don't forget that, or you'll be late to everything tomorrow!

Today in weather history- March 8, 2001- Falling ice from the suspension bridges in New York City causes nightmarish traffic jams, as all 5 lanes are forced to be closed, as well as one injury.

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