Thursday, September 10, 2015

9/10- Finally a wet one

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be completely and totally miserable. In fact, I expect it to rain ALL DAY! It took long enough for us to get a total washout, but we've found one today. The heaviest of the rain will be coming in after about noon today, with on and off downpours through the evening tonight, and into tomorrow morning. The rain should finally stop around noon tomorrow, giving us about a 24 hour break, before it rains some more on Sunday, but not enough to totally washout the day on Sunday. Next week looks generally pleasant, albeit with a few chances of showers, and seasonable temperatures (70s)

In the Atlantic- As expected, TD Grace died yesterday east of the Antilles, but where one ends another begins, as TD#8 has become Tropical Storm Henri east of Bermuda, but it poses no threat to land. Additionally, a tropical wave moving off Africa today could develop as we move towards the weekend, and we're watching the SW Gulf early next week as well. The next two names on the list are Ida and Joaquin.

In the Pacific- Linda, formerly a major hurricane, is now a tropical storm, but another storm is likely to form in the coming days, the name of which would be Marty.

Today is the peak of the Atlantic Hurricane Season, but storms can, and will, form until the end of November.

Today in weather history- September 10, 1965- Hurricane Betsy makes its' final landfall near Grand Isle, LA, as a category 4 hurricane with 155mph sustained winds, just 1mph shy of cat 5 status. 81 people are killed, and $1.42 billion in damage is 1965 money. Yikes!

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