Monday, September 14, 2015

9/14- Perfection ahead!

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be a beautiful day with highs in the 80s and bright fact, I can say the same thing for every day this week! There's really no point in talking about the same weather all week, so I won't repeat myself--but sunny and 80-85 is really divine for this time of the year. Unfortunately, at least part of next weekend is going to be wet, but it's somewhat unclear which day will be effected more by the system.

In the Atlantic- A low midway between the Antilles and Cape Verde will probably become Tropical Storm Ida today, but it poses no threat whatsoever to land. Additionally, a low in the Gulf has about a 1 in 5 chance of development, but Joaquin is more likely to come from a tropical wave sometime later this week.

In the Pacific- Just one low has any chance of development, and its' not especially good in the near term. This is just about as quiet as the basin has been the entire season.

Today in weather history- September 14, 2014- Hurricane Odile makes a final landfall on the Baja Peninsula at category 3 intensity, the hardest hit ever recorded for the region. The storm kills 14 people, and causes $1.22 billion in damage!

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