Wednesday, September 30, 2015

9/30- SEVERE STORM WATCH- Direct hit a bit less likely

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be absolutely miserable, at least in the morning, as it's going to be pouring at the alarming rate of over 3"/hr in the heaviest bands as this cold front moves through. Yikes! Be safe out there!

Let's be honest, though, you care more about Joaquin. The trend this morning is to take it very near the North Carolina/Virginia border. What would that mean for us? A lot of rain, some wind...but not a horrible deal. I'm sure many of you remember 2003's Hurricane Isabel to some degree, and this would not be much different of an impact, and the top analogs for this storm have to be Isabel and Sandy based purely on track. That said, a tick to the north among the tracks could have a TREMENDOUS impact on us, so certainly the threat is still very, very real for New England. Let's leave it for another day or so and, by tomorrow, we'll likely have a pretty darned good idea as to where it's going to go and how it will effect us.

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