Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9/29- SEVERE STORM WATCH- Joaquin Could be Big

Good Tuesday all-

A FLOOD WATCH has been issued for northern Connecticut. I expect this to be expanded to everyone shortly.

Today is going to be absolutely and utterly miserable I'm afraid, as it's going to pour, especially in the afternoon hours. As much as 4" of rain is very possible for someone in New England, the question is who it's going to be. The problem though is that that is NOT the big weather story of this week.

There is still tremendous uncertainty regarding the path of Tropical Storm Joaquin as it meanders off the east seaboard and generally moves north. Everything possible has been modeled in recent days, from a major hurricane clobbering Connecticut to dissipation to out to sea. What's going to happen? I think that most likely we will feel the impacts of Joaquin here in New England, but questions remain as to whether we get a moderate rainstorm...a windy and rainy day...or a fully fledged hurricane. The timing appears to be closer to Sunday at the moment, but let's just say that HUGE amounts of uncertainty remain. Nonetheless, please have your hurricane plans ready in case Joaquin comes our way. I'd say today is the day to make sure you have working flashlights and other items that could help you if you lose power.

Today is all about Joaquin. Please pay close attention. I'll update around 1 and 5 tonight, should conditions warrant (and they will unless we have no more risk at 1). Stay vigilant. That's all I can say. It's not out of the realm of possibility for this to be another Irene/Sandy...but it could also be relatively minor.

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