Friday, September 4, 2015

9/4- A break


Today is going to be significantly cooler than yesterday, to the relief of many people. Highs are going to struggle to reach 80 today, and in many cases they won't succeed, keeping many around 78-79 or so through the afternoon. Tomorrow also looks great with low 80s temperatures and bright sunshine...while we then turn the heat back on, gradually increasing a few degrees each day until we reach 90 on Monday leading into a heat wave through Wednesday. Fortunately, a cool front moves through overnight Wednesday and Thursday, knocking the temperatures back down a significant amount for Friday and next weekend.

In the Atlantic- Fred continues to weaken as it moves away from land, but we have a new system to worry about as a tropical wave has moved off Africa- and it will likely become Tropical Storm Grace as it moves west towards the Caribbean either this weekend or early next week. It's far too early for any details on this one, but most models seem to take it in the general direction of the Bahamas.

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Kevin unexpectedly intensified rather quickly last night, increasing its' sustained winds to 60mph, but it poses no threat to land. Unfortunately, there are some signs that Jimena could approach Hawaii and, while it's far more likely to miss...I can't rule out a tropical storm hit for them at this time. Also, a low may develop this weekend into next week...and some indications are that it could be a rather significant hurricane eventually. The next name on the Pacific's name list is Linda.

Today in weather history- September 4, 2004- Hurricane Frances makes landfall in Hutchinson Island, Florida with 105mph winds, a category 2, killing 50 people and doing roughly $10 billion in damage. This was the second in a long line of hits for Florida that year- Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne are still well remembered for the devastation they brought to Florida at that time- and serve as a reminder that Florida's streak of 10 years without a hurricane is an abnormality instead of a commonality.

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