Friday, September 18, 2015

9/18- Another beauty


Today is going to be really nice, but it'll probably be our last 80 degree day of the season as temps will reach the low to mid 80s, something like 83-85 will do for most of Connecticut today. The weekend looks dry except for a few extremely isolated showers on Saturday night that are barely even worth no concerns there or next week. There are some hints of a major storm for the area of the 28th/29th, but it's so far off I can't tell you anything more than that- we in the weather center yesterday spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out exactly what it was without much success.

In the Atlantic- TD#9 is on its' way to the grave, but Ida and Joaquin may soon follow with a tropical wave behind TD9 and a low off the southeast coast...the latter of which bears watching. Tuesday a front will move through which *should* spare us a hit from this one but it's weather, so never assume anything. Certainly it bears watching.

In the Pacific- A low well off Mexico has a small chance of development but even if it does do so, it poses no threat to land.

Today in weather history- September 18, 2003- Devastating Hurricane Isabel crushes the Outer Banks region killing 54 people and doing $5.4 billion in damage. Isabel is still very well remembered in that area as the worst storm they have ever had, and with good reason. The storm was a category 5 at one point and, despite making landfall at category 2 intensity, carried an extreme storm surge into the Outer Banks, wiping out a very large amount of structures!

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