Monday, September 21, 2015

9/21- Chilly as Fall Approaches

Good Monday all-

The next week looks thoroughly boring for Connecticut, with absolutely nothing to look at in any way in terms of precipitation. Temperatures will be rather crisp and fall like- highs will be in the high 60s and low 70s the entire week. With any luck at all, rain will be around the corner, as we could really use the precipitation here in Connecticut!

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Ida, which formed over the weekend, is going to take its' jolly old time going anywhere as it sits and spins harmlessly in the central Atlantic, likely achieving hurricane status but posing no threat to land at all. Meanwhile, there are some hints of Gulf development at the end of the week, but only time will tell if anything comes of it.

In the Pacific- Tropical Depression 16-E formed practically right over the Baja Peninsula, making landfall as a TD, and not really doing much except dropping rain on the region. Otherwise , keep snoozing!

Today in weather history- September 21, 1938- The 'Long Island Express' or the 'Great Hurricane of 1938' becomes the most recent major hurricane to make landfall in New England. Formerly a category 5, the storm made landfall in Long Island and eventually near Milford, CT at category 3 intensity doing tremendous damage to the entire coastline. Roughly 750 people are killed by the devastating storm, and a total of $5 billion in damage is done in what is still considered the worst storm in the modern era for Connecticut and the rest of the northeast.

I have a Calculus exam today- wish me luck!

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