Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Hey everyone-

My mid day update is that it's a bit more concerning with each model run. The majority of the models are now divided into two camps. One takes it into the Carolinas, another take it somewhere between New Jersey and CONNECTICUT. Uh oh. To make matters worse, it's going to be tough to send this one to the Carolinas as another low should deflect it east. Ordinarily, this would send the system out to sea...but a high pressure system is blocking the path east. It's only path, then, is straight into New England. Yeah, not good. Not only that, but the Gulf Stream should significantly strengthen Joaquin into a hurricane. It's been 30 years almost exactly since our last direct hurricane hit, but that clock may be about to reset. It's now time to start thinking seriously about your hurricane plans if you haven't been. You have some time, probably until Sunday morning, to complete them, but still check your flashlights, take pictures for insurance, etc. is not a bad idea with the crap weather coming this week.

All I ask is to be ready and stay calm. There's still a chance this misses for sure, but don't be complacent. We need to be prepared for what could be an encore of Sandy, and we must do our best to minimize the casualties this time.

On a more personal note, can you believe that this may happen again after just 3 years of what people said was a once every thousand year storm? Pretty incredible. Here we go. More after evening models come in later on...but the picture (to me) is becoming a bit clearer.

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