Thursday, September 17, 2015

9/17- Nice but getting cooler

Good Thursday all-

First, I apologize for not updating as much as I should be this week. I honestly don't know what happened- I just forgot- and I'm super mad at myself for that!

Today is going to be perfect, and be rather summery- highs will reach the 80s today and tomorrow, and sunshine will be prevalent. Tomorrow looks much the same, while clouds increase and a cold front will pass through dry on Saturday but cloud the skies up between Sat PM/Sun. Next week, another cold front moves through Monday, knocking the temps down more, but most people will be glad, as the front probably saves us from a Tropical Storm next it's a price most will be willing to pay. Otherwise, highs could be in the 60s or very low 70s for much of next week- autumn is finally here!

In the Atlantic- TD#9 is nearly Tropical Storm Ida, but it a- poses no threat to land and b- will struggle to attain that status as wind shear is rather strong. Another low to the east of it though will have no trouble becoming a tropical storm, nor will a low off the southeast coast next week. The second of those could be close by around Wednesday...we have to hope the second cold front comes through as expected and doesn't stall out somewhere to our west. The next 3 names on the Atlantic list are Ida, Joaquin, and Kate.

In the Pacific- Frankly, watching the Pacific right now is the least productive thing you could be doing. Do something more interesting. You won't regret it. (No development anytime soon)

Today in weather history- September 17, 1989- Hurricane Hugo makes landfall on Guadelope in the Lesser Antilles as a category 4 hurricane, causing the most damage and destruction of any storm in decades. Hugo's track would eventually take it straight into the Carolinas, where it would become the most devastating hurricane on record for the region, causing $10 billion in total damage

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