Tuesday, September 8, 2015

9/8- Hot, Humid, Horrible...wet?

Good Tuesday all-

The heat is going to be on today! In fact, it may well end up being the hottest day of the year as temps attempt to climb into the mid-90s! Sunshine will be very prevalent today and tomorrow, but then comes Thursday. While it will start out nice, a cold front will stall right over our heads, and a low will ride along it in a nor'easter like setup. The result? 1-2" of rain are likely, which we desperately need, so the plants will be delighted! Beyond that, it looks like fall will really be here for good, and we'll likely be finished seeing 90 for the season.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Grace developed near Cape Verde this weekend, but its' time has always been numbered, and it will die in the coming days. We may get a throwaway Tropical Storm Henri near Bermuda at some point this week but it would do nothing except knock another name off the list. The I and J names for this year are Ida and Joaquin (You may remember Ida as it became a strong nor'easter back in 2009).

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Linda- and now Hurricane Linda- formed this weekend, and her winds are now at 90mph as it moves essentially parallel to the Mexican coastline. A new low in a similar place is also likely to become Tropical Storm Marty late in the week

Today in weather history- September 8, 1900- The single worst hurricane in US history absolutely demolishes Galveston, TX. The story begins when a Tropical Storm hits Cuba. Forecasters in the US expected the storm to hit west Florida and go out to the Atlantic, but Cuban forecasters expected a San Antonio landfall, and they were correct. The hurricane rapidly intensified into a category 4 in the Gulf and made a direct hit on Galveston, completely flooding the major city and killing almost 10,000 people. Afterwards, a 17 foot seawall was constructed to prevent future hurricane damage. It would not be truly tested until 2008's Hurricane Ike, and it did its' job for sure as it largely held the Gulf waters back.

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