Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2/9- Still a mess

Good Tuesday all-

A WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY is up for the shoreline counties from 5 PM tonight until noon tomorrow.

Today is going to be better than yesterday as it won't be snowing all day but...the roads are still a mess this morning, so most of the school districts in Connecticut are delayed. Tomorrow morning's commute could be a mess as light snow will be falling through all of it...and it could drop as much as three inches of snow in parts of the state, and it will probably cause a large number of schools to delay yet again. I have a chance at a virtual snow day though- a WCSU delay would cancel the only class that I have tomorrow...so I'm hopeful! Regardless, Thursday and Friday look fine (although snow showers will be around on both days) while the weekend looks just insanely cold...with overnight lows below zero degrees and highs, if you can believe it, may have a hard time even reaching ten degrees on Sunday before another snowstorm heads for Connecticut Monday.

Today in weather history- February 9, 1987- Among the worst blizzards on record for Cape Cod strikes the region with two feet of snow and winds of 80mph. The end result? Drifts as high as eight feet. Yeesh!

Drive safely today and be careful!

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