Monday, February 1, 2016

2/1- DOUBLE STORM WATCH- Warm week ahead, frigid weekend, monster snowstorm next week

Good Monday all-

Happy February, and welcome to the snowiest month of the year on average. Also, because this year is a year divisible by four, it's a leap year and this month will have 29 days.

Today is going to be a pretty good day, with highs in the mid-50s...but unfortunately it will be accompanied by rain showers. The warmth continues tomorrow, but the heat seems to especially like Wednesday, where our record highs are expected to fall on the shoreline (though I think Hartford's record of 61 will stand). Thursday through Saturday look cooler and dry before the issues begin again Sunday.

The two storm watches are as follows-

Storm #1- Wednesday- A massive storm will bring blizzard Iowa tomorrow, just after the caucuses, so they should be very grateful the storm is happening tomorrow instead of today. That said, for us this system will bring a soaking RAIN storm, with as much as 1-2" of rain with locally higher amounts and even thunderstorms possible. Strong winds from the south will also accompany this storm, which will be more of a nuisance than anything else. Ouch

Storm #2- Sun/Mon- There could be a major problem for either late Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning lasting into the day on Tuesday. There are strong signals of a massive nor'easter that...if it decides to make its' way to us...could yield blizzard conditions and several feet of snow...but it could also completely whiff extremely easily. Right now...there is absolutely no way of knowing...although based on what I've been seeing, the pattern seems to support the idea of a major snowstorm, so it's worth at least keeping in the back of your mind today, but don't worry too much until we know more, probably in the Thursday or Friday timeframe.

Today in weather history- February 1, 1988- Basile, LA gets enough thunderstorms to somehow manage to drop one foot of rain on the area, which is utterly ridiculous. Strangely, parts of Montana drop to as low as -30, establishing new records for that region.

Image result for happy february

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